How To Power Wash A Patio

pressure wash patio before after

Power Washing A Patio

Okay, how much pressure is enough?  The first pressure washed I owned was only 1200 PSI.  Did it work?  Technically yes.  Plenty good enough to wash down vinyl siding on my house or wash my car, but not good enough to clean my concrete patio.  With the 1200 PSI pressure washer, to remove the built-up dirt and growth on the patio, you had to adjust the stream so narrow you could only remove dirt in a line that was maybe an inch wide.  To clean a whole patio, it took at least several hours.  Not very practical.

I decided to upgrade.  If 1200 PSI was not enough, then how much?  Reading product reviews and guessing that three times the pressure of my old washer should do the trick, I opted for a 3800 PSI pressure washer.  And since I wanted to stick with a convenience of an electric model and did not want to have deal with a gas powered machine, I selected this one:

Pressure Washer

Huge improvement.  Instead of clearing a 1" strip this washer cleaned a swatch about 3-4" at a time.  You can see the results.  With this new machine I could tackle the patio cleaning job in a faction of time as the old machine.

So if your wondering if the PSI rating makes a difference, yes it does.
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