How To Fix A Leaking Roof Vent

leaking roof vent pipe

Fix a Leaking Roof Vent

Got a water stain on your ceiling?  You might want to go on your roof and check your plumbing vent pipes.  After seeing a watermark on my upstairs bedroom ceiling, I traced the leak to failed plumbing vent pipe seal.  If you have this problem, the good news is there's an easy fix.

As you can see from the picture, the seal around the vent pipe had rotted away and left a gaping hole in the roof allowing water to leak into the house.  To fix this issue, there are replacement seals that can easily be installed.

Here's one from Oatey that includes flashing and fits multiple pipe sizes.

replacement seals

Here's another one from Oatey that uses silicone sealant between base and surface, secures with sheet metal screws, and fits multi-size pipe sizes.
replacement seals

Follow the manufacture's instructions for installation and stop that leak!
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