Durability of Sewer Pipe Lining Vs Conventional Replacement with PVC Pipe


PVC Pipe Vs Pipe Lining

Maintaining and repairing sewer lines is an essential aspect of property management for both residential and commercial properties. Two primary methods for dealing with sewer line issues are sewer pipe lining and conventional replacement with PVC pipe. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages in terms of durability, cost, and installation process. In this comprehensive blog post, we will compare the durability of sewer pipe lining and conventional replacement with PVC pipe, as well as other factors to consider when choosing the best method for repairing sewer lines.

Overview of Sewer Pipe Lining and Conventional Replacement with PVC Pipe

Before diving into the durability comparison, let's provide an overview of the two methods.

Sewer Pipe Lining

Sewer pipe lining, also known as cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) lining, is a trenchless method of repairing sewer lines. This process involves inserting a flexible liner coated with resin into the existing sewer pipe. Once the liner is inflated and cured using heat, UV light, or steam, it forms a new pipe within the old one. This method offers a minimally invasive solution for repairing cracked or deteriorated sewer lines.

Conventional Replacement with PVC Pipe

Conventional replacement involves removing the existing sewer pipe and replacing it with a new one made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This process usually requires excavation to access the sewer line, especially if the existing pipe is buried underground. PVC pipe is a popular choice for sewer line replacement due to its affordability, durability, and resistance to corrosion and root intrusion.

Durability Comparison


  • Sewer Pipe Lining: The lifespan of a sewer pipe lining depends on the quality of the resin and the installation process. Typically, a well-installed CIPP liner can last between 30 to 50 years. The resin used is resistant to corrosion and chemical damage, providing durability and longevity.

  • Conventional Replacement with PVC Pipe: PVC pipes are known for their long lifespan, typically ranging from 50 to 100 years. PVC is resistant to corrosion, chemical damage, and root intrusion, making it a durable option for sewer lines.

Resistance to Damage

  • Sewer Pipe Lining: The resin-coated lining is resistant to most forms of damage, including corrosion, root intrusion, and chemical exposure. However, extreme ground shifts or significant structural damage could impact the liner's integrity.

  • Conventional Replacement with PVC Pipe: PVC pipes are also resistant to corrosion, chemical damage, and root intrusion. PVC is a durable and flexible material that can withstand ground shifts and pressure from soil movement.

Structural Integrity

  • Sewer Pipe Lining: The structural integrity of the existing pipe plays a role in the effectiveness of the lining. If the original pipe is severely damaged or collapsed, it may not provide sufficient support for the lining. In such cases, additional repairs or a different approach may be needed.

  • Conventional Replacement with PVC Pipe: PVC pipe provides a fresh start by completely replacing the existing pipe. This new installation offers excellent structural integrity and eliminates the risk of using a compromised pipe.

Resistance to Roots and Intrusions

Sewer Pipe Resistance to Roots

  • Sewer Pipe Lining: The seamless lining effectively prevents roots and other intrusions from entering the sewer line. This helps maintain a clear flow and reduces the risk of blockages.

  • Conventional Replacement with PVC Pipe: PVC pipe joints may be susceptible to root intrusion if not properly sealed during installation. However, modern PVC pipes and installation methods reduce this risk significantly.

Cost Considerations

  • Sewer Pipe Lining: Sewer pipe lining is typically less expensive than conventional replacement due to its trenchless nature, which reduces labor and excavation costs. Additionally, the process is faster, which can save money on overall project costs.

  • Conventional Replacement with PVC Pipe: Conventional replacement with PVC pipe can be more costly due to the extensive excavation required to access the sewer line. This process may also require additional restoration work, such as landscaping or driveway repairs, further increasing costs.

Installation Process and Time

  • Sewer Pipe Lining: The installation process for sewer pipe lining is relatively quick and minimally invasive. The liner can be installed through small access points, reducing the need for excavation. The curing process takes a few hours, and the entire project can often be completed in a day or two.

  • Conventional Replacement with PVC Pipe: Conventional replacement with PVC pipe involves excavation to access the sewer line, which can be time-consuming and disruptive. Depending on the complexity of the project, it can take several days to complete the installation and restoration work.

Environmental Impact

  • Sewer Pipe Lining: Sewer pipe lining is considered an environmentally friendly option due to its trenchless approach. It minimizes soil disruption and the disposal of old pipes, reducing the environmental impact of the repair process.

  • Conventional Replacement with PVC Pipe: Excavation for conventional replacement can have a greater impact on the environment, as it involves more disruption to soil and surrounding areas. However, PVC pipes themselves are recyclable and have a long lifespan, which can be seen as an environmental benefit.

Accessibility and Suitability

  • Sewer Pipe Lining: Sewer pipe lining is suitable for most types of sewer line damage, including cracks, minor leaks, and root intrusions. However, it may not be the best option for severely damaged or collapsed pipes.

  • Conventional Replacement with PVC Pipe: PVC pipe replacement is suitable for all types of sewer line damage, providing a fresh start with new pipes. This method is ideal for severe damage, collapses, or older pipes with numerous issues.


When comparing the durability of sewer pipe lining and conventional replacement with PVC pipe, both methods offer long-lasting solutions for sewer line repairs. Sewer pipe lining is a quicker, less disruptive, and cost-effective option with a lifespan of 30 to 50 years. Conventional replacement with PVC pipe provides an extensive and thorough repair, with a longer lifespan of 50 to 100 years.

Ultimately, the choice between the two methods depends on the specific condition of your sewer line, the level of damage, accessibility, and your budget. Consulting a professional can help you determine the most suitable option for your situation and ensure the longevity and proper functioning of your sewer line.

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