How To Keep Birds Off Patio Furniture

Bird Repellent

Keep Birds Off Patio Furniture

Okay, most people like birds.  But also, most people don't like birds leaving messes on their patio furniture.  You have to admit, to a bird, the back of a patio chair looks like the perfect perch which it probably is.  The thing is, after hanging out on this "perch" for awhile, birds tend to be leave droppings behind which can be outright ugly and unsanitary.

During peak outdoor season, I found myself outside with a spray bottle of disinfectant daily cleaning bird droppings from my patio chairs and table.  Until I found these:

Keep Birds Off Patio Furniture

Here's a video of these in action:

Do They Work?

I put one of these reflectors on the back of each of my six patio chairs which surround my table.  So far, after a couple months, there have been no undesired bird visits leaving behind any messes on my patio chairs or table. Yes, they are working great!  For a small investment, these reflectors really do the job.

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